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1/5/16 blog post

tips from 3rd graders on living a healthy life

packing school lunch It's the new year and everyone wants to get fit and healthy! But this doesn't just apply to you as the parent, it should also apply to your kids! You may be surprised how many good ideas your kids might have about getting started on a healthy lifestyle.

I taught two groups of 3rd graders recently about the 5-2-1-0 message. Even though I was the one “teaching”, I learned a great deal from the students. 5-2-1-0 is the stringy catch of numbers that originated from the state of Maine keeping our health status in check. I had fun describing 5-2-1-0 which included their self-evaluation in each category. Then, I guided the class in how to improve their own scores – please read on for THEIR tips:

5Eat at least 5 fruits and vegetables a day

3rd graders’ tips: Cut a banana into your cereal; choose a fruit at breakfast; say “yes” to the vegetable with the hot school lunch; eat a fruit and vegetable at both lunch and supper meals; have a bowl of fruit on the kitchen counter and snack from it.

2- No more than 2 hours of screen time a day

3rd graders’ tips: Set a timer when you watch TV and/or play electronics; ask your parents for permission to watch TV or play electronics; play outside instead of playing electronics or watching TV; during commercials, do push up, jumping jacks or sit-ups.

1-Be active one hour a day

3rd graders’ tips: Recess and gym class contribute to this goal – be active during these times; ride a bike; jump rope; play an “active” electronic game (i.e. Just Dance, Wipe Out, Wii Fit)

0-Drink zero sugary beverages

3rd graders’ tips: Drink water and low fat milk; choose Propel; drink less juice and pop

With the New Year upon us, engage your family in making simple lifestyle changes for all to adopt. Our children think outside the box and often have brilliant ideas. Happy 2016!