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grateful families

amanda neef and dad

“I thank God every day that this hospital is here,” said Paul Neef, father of patient Amanda Neef. “I knew I could bring my son here when he broke his arm, but I never dreamed I would be back a few months later with my daughter to have emergency brain surgery.Even though what happened to Amanda was incredibly rare, Dr. Lober was able to look me in the eye and say ‘I have operated on thousands of children’s brains,’ and that’s when I knew Amanda was receiving world-class care.”

For families like Amanda’s, grateful doesn’t even begin to describe how they feel about the care that they received at Dayton Children’s. When your child is in the hospital your whole world is impacted and knowing that they are receiving care that goes above and beyond makes all the difference. Dayton Children’s grateful families program gives you the chance to say “thanks” by supporting the hospital. This could be in honor of a specific doctor or nurse or even a special program that made a difference for your family such as child life. Whatever the gift, we are grateful to you for showing your gratitude to our amazing team in this way.

ways to help

make a gift

Gifts to Dayton Children’s help fund everything from the bed in your room to the books or toys your child may have played with. By making a financial contribution to Dayton Children’s you are helping to ensure we have the best equipment to provide the best care for the next child that walks through our doors. Donate today

host an event

Each year hundreds of groups and organizations host events to raise money for Dayton Children’s. To learn more about our guidelines and how to get started please visit our host an event page.

hold a wish list drive

Do you remember the special blanket your child was given at the hospital? Or a game or toy that they played with? Most likely these items were donated by special community members just like you. Wish list drives are great ways to get your kids involved in giving back to the hospital. Learn more about what is on our wish list and how to get started.

attend an event

Dayton Children’s and our community members hold dozens of events throughout the year that your family may attend. Come join the fun at Dance Marathons, concerts, golf outings, galas and more. Check out our event calendar for upcoming activities.

submit your story

We love hearing stories of great care at Dayton Children’s. If you would like to share, please submit your story online.

send a thank you note

Were there specific people or a team of people that you wanted to send a special thank you note to? You can do so online or just send it to our main campus at One Children’s Plaza, Dayton, OH 45404.

become a parent partner

Our parent partner programs provide opportunities for families to join with us to seek solutions to unmet needs within the hospital, to promote family centered care, and to improve the patient and family experience. Learn more.