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4.85 out of 5

Look at any playground and chances are, one in five of the children you see there need help for a mental health issue. Experts say 13 to 20 percent of kids need some sort of mental health guidance or support.

The department of psychology at Dayton Children's offers a wide range of services to address the behavioral and psychological needs of children, adolescents and their families. Specialized assessments, testing and counseling are offered. Staff members serve on many care teams throughout the hospital.


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4.85 out of 5

contact us request an appointment

The psychology department can be reached during business hours of Monday- Thursday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm and Fridays from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm at 937-641-3401.

A physician referral is necessary prior to the child’s first outpatient visit. All follow up appointments will be made during your clinic visit.

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Mary Beth DeWitt, PhD., Division Chief

behavioral health, psychology
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sandra todd
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Sandra L. Todd, Psy.D., ABPP

behavioral health, psychology
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Julie Stucke, PhD

behavioral health, psychology
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Meredith Stremel
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Meredith Stremel, PhD, BCBA-D

psychology, behavioral health
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Amanda Beeman, PsyD.

behavioral health, psychology
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Laura Middleton, PhD.

psychology, behavioral health
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Laura Meyers, PsyD

psychology, behavioral health
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Amy Sanders

Amy Sanders, PsyD

psychology, behavioral health
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christine abbuhl psychology
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Christine Abbuhl, PhD.

behavioral health, psychology
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Zachary Woessner, PsyD.

behavioral health, psychology
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Courtney Yahle

Courtney Yahle, PsyD

psychology, behavioral health
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Jessica McCarthy, PsyD photo

Jessica McCarthy, PsyD

behavioral health, psychology
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Ryan Sinclair, PhD

behavioral health, psychology
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Brenda Miceli, PhD.

behavioral health, psychology
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Maximilian Tokarsky
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Maximilian Tokarsky, Psy.D.

psychology, behavioral health
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Sarah Phillips, Psy.D.

behavioral health, psychology
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Carly Schweier

Carly Schweier, PsyD

psychology, behavioral health
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conditions we treat

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chronic illness

Children diagnosed with a chronic illness may need additional therapy in order to help them cope with their new diagnosis.

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Without intervention, many child victims of abuse will suffer ongoing or long term consequences that could impact them throughout their lives. Therapy is a unique opportunity for a child to meet with a trained professional who can help him or her process the trauma they experienced during abuse.

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learning disorders

Suffering from a learning disorder can cause frustrations for both the child and their caregivers. Our psychologists work with patients on techniques to overcome these disorders and develop plans for success.

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Anxiety makes someone want to escape the situation — fast. Typical childhood fears change with age. If anxious feelings persist, they can take a toll on a child's sense of well-being and may require additional therapy.

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Depression is the most common mental health problem in the United States. When a depressive state, or mood, lingers for a long time — weeks, months, or even longer — and limits a person's ability to function normally, it can be diagnosed as depression.

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ADHD is a common behavioral disorder that affects about 10 percent of school-age children. Kids with ADHD act without thinking, are hyperactive, and have trouble focusing. They may understand what's expected of them but have trouble following through because they can't sit still, pay attention, or focus on details.

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patient questionnaire

After you have received contact from our office indicating that your referral has been accepted, please fill out this form to help us better understand your concerns.

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what to expect

Learn more about to expect during your visit to the psychology clinic.

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the pediatric difference

What makes a pediatric psychologist different? Find out here!

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