3/30/20 blog post
building resilience as a family

We realize this is a stressful time for all of our families but remember, we are in this together. We will get through this and we can even get through this even stronger than before.
As a Dayton Children’s physician who is currently managing work and homeschooling four children, I have hope that we will get through these difficult times and even find ways to thrive.
That is resilience: the ability not only to overcome adversity but become stronger because of it.
We are all feeling stress now. Our routines are greatly changed. Children are no longer shuffling off to school in the morning and socializing with their friends. They are no longer returning with only an hour or two of homework then off to playdate, after school activities, or a little downtime. They are home… all day.
Parents are caught everywhere along this spectrum of going to work in really stressful settings and worried about childcare to working from home with homeschooling with work conference calls happening at the same dining room table.
We are also feeling economic stress. Many of our jobs depend on shops being open, and increasingly they are closing. There are many unknowns about how the long-term impacts of this virus on our economy.
And many of us have stress about this virus. Will our love ones become sick? What if we become sick?
This is where we have to muster up the strength and build our resilience.
Slow down . . . one step at a time . . . Breath. . . deep breath . . . smile (it works!)
Each family will find it’s own path to resilience. Your path may not be that of your neighbors or your friends. It may not be what everyone is posting on social media or talking about in the news.
Focus on your family’s strengths and not your weaknesses. Some families are more organized and have daily schedules. Some families thrive in a little more chaos and freedom. Some families really laugh together. Some families love nature walks. Some families cook together. Some play games. Some talk, listen and tell stories. This is the time to explore with your family and build bonds that will get you through this trying time and so many more.
Our differences are our strengths. Stay positive and build resilience through the strength of your family. What an opportunity we have in this moment to do just that.