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rehabilitative services evaluation follow up

Thank you for attending your child's recent rehabilitative services evaluation at Dayton Children's. If follow up therapy was recommended for your child, please learn more about the information below regarding insurance coverage, therapy scheduling, and attendance.

insurance coverage

If you have commercial insurance, we recommend calling your insurance company to find out the information listed below. Be sure to ask for facility-based benefits because we are not considered an "office visit".

  • What will your deductible be? This is the amount you will pay out-of-pocket for covered medical services before you insurance company pays.
  • What will your co-pay be or do you have co-insurance? This will be the fixed amount or percentage of a medical bill that you must pay out-of-pocket after you have met your deductible. 
  • What is your yearly visit limit? This is the maximum number of visits allowed by your insurance company. 
  • What is the medical necessity criteria for your therapy coverage? Insurance may cover therapy, but only for certain medical diagnosis. You will need to tell them your child's diagnosis to determine if therapy meets their criteria. Your child's diagnosis can be found on the therapy evaluation located in MyKidsChart.

therapy scheduling

If your child needs therapy services, it's our goal to start as soon as possible. Wait times will vary based on the type of therapy your child needs. Your availability may also impact the wait time. For example, late afternoon and Saturday appointments have a longer wait than our daytime appointments during the week. To update your availability, contact our schedulers at 937-641-3070, option 1. 

In addition to receiving therapy services, you can start your child in a community or school-based program:

  • Help Me Grow - Available in all counties for children up to 3-years-old, if qualified. For more information, call 1-800-755-4769.
  • Public preschool/school special education services - Available for children ages 3 to 21, if they qualify. Contact your local school district to ask about preschool and school age special education services and how to have your child evaluated. 

therapy attendance

Your child’s success is important to us and dependent on your commitment to consistent attendance and participation. To help us provide safe, quality care, families must agree to the following:

  • Attend therapy on time and regularly. You are expected to attend and be on time for at least 80% of your scheduled visits. If you are late, we will not be able to see you for the full visit as we are usually fully booked.
  • If you need to miss an appointment, please let us know in advance. If you miss an appointment and do not let us know, frequently cancel or are often late, you will receive a message in MyKidsChart and future reserved therapy appointments will be removed. 

Thank you for reviewing this information. We look forward to working with you and your child.