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4/21/20 blog post

finding your best self as we tread these unknown waters: choose your attitude.

Hello my fellow COVID-19 social distancers!!!

I hope this finds you healthy and thriving in this crazy time. 

I would like to elaborate on what I previously mentioned in my initial post by starting with this quote:

“What you see depends not only on what you look AT, but also on where you look FROM!” - James Deacon

#1 Perspective - the way we look at the world, an attitude toward something

I have often been described as a glass ½ full kind of person. I really believe that we can influence our emotions and our actions with the right attitude. Sure, these are scary times and there are a lot of unknowns.

With how unsettling you may be feeling, your children may be feeling these emotions as well. They look to you for guidance on how to handle events that are out of their control. It is ok to be honest with them about the events (age appropriate of course) and your fears.

From their perspective they have been taken out of school, isolated from their social networks and their routines (we will come back to that word.) But with the right perspective, they can view this as more than a scary event out of their control. This is hopefully a once in a lifetime experience. It is our job as parents to help them to find the things in their lives that they CAN control. Our perspective/ our attitude is one of these things. We CAN control FROM where we look at this scene.

  • We CAN reflect on how we are experiencing a different way of learning (which I realize may not be ideal for all). This has been an opportunity to explore different websites for learning. Checking out the National Parks virtually, taking a tour of a museum virtually, or even learning to draw with Mo Williams. My kids have been doing art virtually with Dabble, a local art studio, and loving it!
  • We can reflect that we have been given the opportunity to slow down and reconnect with our families without missing out on anything - because the whole world is in the same predicament. Have you played a board game or card game yet? What about a scavenger hunt?

I heard what I think is a great Ted Talk the other day. It was given by Shawn Anchor and was about his research into success and happiness. Check it out here: TEDxBloomington - Shawn Achor - "The Happiness Advantage: Linking Positive Brains to Performance"

Shawn Achor  "The Happiness Advantage: Linking Positive Brains to Performance"

His research has identified that if we focus on increasing our happiness we can positively affect our success. So then you may ask, how can one improve one’s own happiness? I will save details for a later post, but one way to start is to seek the positive around you. Search out the positive things that happen daily.

We ask ourselves each night as we are getting ready for bed:    

  1. Name 3 things that we are thankful for today. This trains our brains to look for the positive throughout the day so we are prepared to answer that question.
  2. Tell me about a moment when you felt happy today. By telling the story over, giving more details, we are able to savor the moment, recall the happy emotions.

Over time, with practice and intention, your perspective will become more positive.

As always - stay safe, stay healthy, be active and WASH THOSE HANDS!

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Melissa King, DO

Healthy Me
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