1/3/25 blog post
C.L.I.C.K. your way to healthy screen time habits for kids
how to keep their dream gift from becoming your nightmare

Picture this:
You aim for the picture-perfect holiday. You shop the sales, work overtime, and save up for that one gift at the top of your kid's wishlist. You wait, heart pounding, as your child opens it. As soon as they rip off the paper, their face lights up with joy!
You did it! You made their dreams come true.
However, if that top item on their list ends up being an electronic, this moment could quickly become your worst nightmare.
Now, your child is so excited to have their new electronic gadget! They spend hours on it and take it with them everywhere. Soon, your calm family dinners start with tears and tantrums over having to get off the electronics. You wake up in the middle of the night to check on your child only to find them hiding under the covers playing their new game or texting a friend.
Luckily for you, there are some practical tips you can try to stop your dream gift from becoming your worst nightmare. You can establish healthy screen time habits by remembering to C.L.I.C.K.:
Create clear rules
Learn and use parental controls
Introduce other options
Commit to modeling healthy habits
Keep tech-free zones
1. create clear rules
Establishing clear rules is one of the most effective ways to handle screen time and avoid screen time meltdowns. It is best if these rules are established before your child even opens the box of their new electronic, however, it is never too late to implement these rules.
The clearer you are with the rules, the better the outcome. And once you make a rule, stick to it! If you give in one time then your kids will think they can get you to give in again if they just keep begging.
As you establish these screen time rules here are some things to consider:
- When is screen time allowed? Outline the days and times. Only on weekends? Only after homework is complete? Only between 5 and 7pm?
- What are the expectations for when it is time to turn it off?
- What are the consequences for not following screen time rules?
It is also helpful to have the rules written and have your child sign them to show their commitment and understanding. If you're looking for a social media contract you can use as a family, check out this free, printable social media contract created by On Our Sleeves!
2. learn and use parental controls
Take time to learn and use parental controls. It may feel like learning another language but providing safety for our kids online is one the more important things we can do for them.
Here are some tips to help you navigate this confusing yet necessary feature:
- Do your research before you buy a device. Some devices are designed with parental controls in mind and will have more options than others.
- Assume your child will eventually figure out a way to get around parental controls. Don’t rely on the parental control settings to do your job.
- Drop in unannounced and see what they are doing on their device from time to time. Remind them that you are allowed to access the device anytime to see what they are doing in order to keep them safe.
- Talk to other parents and see if they have experience with parental controls.
3. introduce other options
Find ways to offer alternative activities for the times when they are not allowed on their devices. We can’t take away their main form of entertainment with nothing in return. Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Provide other activities to fill their time such as going outside to play and planning family outings.
- Get out the board games or take turns reading from a book.
- Allow them to get into other tech free hobbies even if that means a little extra mess (think tie-dye or building models).
4. commit to modeling healthy habits
Our kids are always watching us. They will pick up our habits with our own devices. Be aware of how often you are using technology while around your kids and evaluate if you need to scale back. Tips: Leave your phone in the bedroom while eating dinner, turn it off for an hour each night, put the phone down when your child is talking to you.
5. keep tech-free zones
Think about where you will be charging electronics. If you don’t want your kids to be tempted to use their gadgets in the middle of the night, consider having a family rule about charging devices in the kitchen or in the adult's bedroom. (Just a reminder that traditional alarm clocks still exist and can be an easy solution to needing a phone to wake up in the morning)! Also consider where will be a "tech-free zone", in other words a place where technology use is not allowed! You can make bedrooms, at the table during meals or visiting at other families homes your tech-free zones!
C.L.I.C.K your way to healthy screen habits
There are ways to use technology responsibly and for fun without it taking over your family’s lives. By remembering to C.L.I.C.K, (creating clear rules, learning parental controls, introducing other activities, and committing to modeling healthy technology use and keeping tech free zones), you can feel confident that you will be in control of the technology and the technology won’t be in control of your kid!
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