11/8/21 blog post
can I get the COVID-19 vaccine and the flu vaccine at the same time?

Yes! According to the CDC, COVID-19 vaccines may be administered at the same time as other vaccines, like the flu vaccine, without any health risks. If multiple vaccines are given at one time, the health care provider will likely administer each injection in a different injection site to space them out.
Flu season is upon us. If you are wondering whether you can receive the COVID-19 vaccine around the same time you get your annual flu shot… the answer is yes!
A recent British clinical trial supports the advice of CDC officials, where no danger was found in receiving a flu shot and a second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine during the same visit. The researchers also believe that a combination of the flu and COVID-19 vaccine will not lower the effectiveness of either shot.
With more relaxed public safety measures, children back to in-person learning, and parents back in the office, concern exists for this year’s flu season being much more severe than last year.
“It’s extremely important that we take advantage of available opportunities, such as getting the flu shot, that can help us avoid what has the potential to be an extremely difficult season for parents and their children,” said Dr. Michael Klatte, chief of infectious disease at Dayton Children’s. “Getting both the COVID-19 and flu vaccines at the same time is encouraged if you haven’t yet gotten either one.”
get your child's flu and covid vaccine at Kids Express
If you would like to get both vaccines at the same time you can do so at Dayton Children's Kids Express locations in Springboro, Mason and West Chester.
- Open 7 days a week
- Save your spot at childrensdayton.org/saveyourspot