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kidshealth library

health & safety topics

Your child's health and safety is our top priority. Please search our resource library for information on health, nutrition, fitness, injury prevention and other important topics.

Learning & Play

School-Age Readers

From kindergarten through third grade, kids' ability to read will grow by leaps and bounds. Although teachers provide lots of help, parents continue to play a role in a child's reading life.

Smart Toys for Every Age

An age-wise guide on play and the toys that encourage learning, promote motor skill development, and spark imagination.

Story Time for Preschoolers

Reading aloud to your preschooler is a great way to encourage learning development and to help prepare your child for independent reading down the line.

The Magic of Play: How It Inspires & Aids Early Development

Learn why play is so important during the preschool years, and what you can do to foster your child's imagination.

Toddler Reading Time

Reading to toddlers lays the foundation for their independent reading later on. Here are some tips.