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health & safety topics

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Pulmonology A to Z

A to Z: Asthma

Asthma is a lung condition that causes difficulty breathing.

A to Z: Asthma, Attack

Learn more about asthma attacks, when asthma symptoms suddenly become severe.

A to Z: Bronchiectasis

Learn about causes of breathing difficulties and conditions that can affect the lungs and bronchi.

A to Z: Bronchiectasis, Acquired

See: Bronchiectasis.

A to Z: Bronchiectasis, Congenital

See: Bronchiectasis.

A to Z: Cystic Fibrosis (CF)

Learn about cystic fibrosis, an inherited disease primarily affecting the lungs and digestive system.

A to Z: Dyspnea

Learn more about difficult or labored breathing.

A to Z: Hypoxemia

Hypoxemia is a condition in which there is a lower than normal level of oxygen in the blood.

A to Z: Pneumonia, Mycoplasma

Mycoplasma pneumonia, also called walking pneumonia or atypical pneumonia, is a mild lung infection caused by bacteria.

A to Z: Pneumonia, Viral

Learn about viral pneumonia, a lung infection caused by a virus.