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Danielle Brooks, RDN-AP, LD


Danielle Brooks,  RDN-AP, LD is a registered and licensed dietitian at Dayton Children's. Danielle specializes in pediatric clinic nutrition. In nutrition clinic, she sees patient types that include weight management, poor weight gain, malnutrition, food allergies, picky eating, infant/toddler nutrition, developmental feeding difficulties, vegan/vegetarian diets, eating disorders, sports nutrition, general healthy eating, and many other nutrition-related needs.

Scheduling in-person appointments for new patients only. For follow-up, second opinion or video visit appointments, please call 937-641-4000


education and training

  • undergraduate degree: University of Northern Colorado
  • internship: National Healthcare Corporation in Murfreesboro, TN

awards, honors and organizations


  • Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Ohio Dietetic Association
  • Dayton Dietetics Association
  • various specialty Dietetic Practice Groups with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

board member:

  • Dayton Dietetic Association as the Counsel on Professional interest chair and chair-elect, Newsletter Editor, and Awards and Scholarships Chair


  • Young Dietitian of the Year by the Ohio Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in 2018

get to know me

I chose my specialty because...

I enjoy and see the benefit of teaching clients and their families how to make choices to prevent onset and progression of chronic disease, treat undernutrition, improve the mind- body connection, live a balanced lifestyle, meet their health and nutrition goals, overcome obstacles, and adopt healthy and sustainable nutrition and lifestyle habits.

I like working with kids because...

nutrition plays such an important role in growth and development and prevention of chronic disease. I believe teaching and modeling healthy habits to our children can be one of the best gifts we can give them!

I chose to work at Dayton Children's because...

of the special values and culture of the organization and the commitment to advancing the health in the children of our community. Dayton Children’s embraces a collaborative team approach to the care provided, and recognizes the importance of nutrition in the growth and development of the pediatric population.

Dayton Children's is special because...

it truly fosters a culture of caring and going above and beyond for the patients and families of the community.

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Shelby Kamieneski, MS, RDN, LD

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