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Cheriya Akizimana, MD


hospital medicine


Cheriya Akizimana, MD is a pediatrician at Dayton Children's specializing in hospital medicine.

Languages spoken: 

  • English
  • French
  • Swahili
  • Lingala

education and training

  • medical school: Universite de Lubumbashi - Democratic republic of the Congo
  • internship: Driscoll Children Hospital - Corpus Christi, Texas
  • residency: Driscoll Children Hospital - Corpus Christi, Texas
  • board certification: American Board of Pediatrics

get to know me

I chose my specialty because...

I fell in love with pediatrics when i was 11 years old. I was inspired by my uncle who is a pediatrician in Congo. I watched him working from home. Parents would bring their kids to his house at anytime (day or night) and he would take care of them.

I like working with kids because...

their resilience is inspiring

I chose to work at Dayton Children's because...

it is a nice work environment.

Dayton Children's is special because...

they care about kids and their staff.

ratings and reviews
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