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Jennifer Adkins, MD

Jennifer Adkins Headshot


Jennifer Adkins, MD, is a physician in the division of hospital medicine. She has over 20 years of experience caring for children and teens who need to be admitted to the hospital. In her free time, Dr. Adkins enjoys creative projects like scrapbooking, crochet, knitting, sculpting and sewing.

education and training

  • Medical school: The Ohio State University College of Medicine
  • Internship: Wright State University Integrated Pediatric Residency
  • Residency: Wright State University Integrated Pediatric Residency
  • Board Certification: American Board of Pediatrics



awards, honors and organizations

  • Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics

get to know me

I chose my specialty because...

I think it's important to do work that makes you happy! Being able to bring health and well being back to an ill child is incredibly satisfying.

I like working with kids because...

You can see positive changes happen right before your eyes!

I chose to work at Dayton Children's because...

I trained to be a pediatrician at Dayton Children's, and despite all the time away, it still feels like home.

Dayton Children's is special because...

Dayton Children's has a tremendous depth of specialists and yet a small town feel.

ratings and reviews
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