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kidshealth library

health & safety topics

Your child's health and safety is our top priority. Please search our resource library for information on health, nutrition, fitness, injury prevention and other important topics.

Tough Topics

Drugs: What Parents Need to Know

Knowing what drugs are out there, what they can do, and how they can affect someone is the first step in raising drug-free kids.

Getting Support When Your Child Has Special Health Care Needs

You might have more on your plate than most parents, but it doesn't mean you have to do it all alone. Here's how to ask for help and avoid caregiver burnout.

Handling Picky Eating in Toddlers (Video)

Make mealtimes more pleasant and less stressful for everyone by learning how to handle a picky eater.

Helping Kids Cope With Cliques

With cliques prevalent in middle and high school, most kids encounter them at some point. Here's how parents can help kids maintain confidence and self-respect while dealing with cliques.

Helping Kids When They Worry

All kids worry at times, and some may do so more than others. But parents can help kids manage it and tackle everyday problems with ease. Find out how.

Helping Your Child Manage Anxiety (Video)

Feeling nervous, worried, or uneasy at times is a normal part of growing up. Here's how to help your child feel more in control and deal with stress.

How Can I Help My Teen Quit Smoking for Good?

If your teen smokes, here are tips to help them kick the habit.

How to Talk to Your Child About the News

News reports are often educational. But when stories are about disturbing topics, parents can find it hard to explain to kids. Here are some guidelines.

Kids and Smoking

The health risks of smoking are well known, many young people still do it. Here's how to help your kids avoid smoking or quit, if they've already started.

Managing Your Toddler's Behavior (Video)

Learn how to encourage good behavior, handle tantrums, and keep your cool when parenting your toddler.