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kidshealth library

health & safety topics

Your child's health and safety is our top priority. Please search our resource library for information on health, nutrition, fitness, injury prevention and other important topics.

Exercise Safety

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (Runner's Knee)

Patellofemoral pain syndrome (or runner's knee) is the most common overuse injury among runners, but it can also happen to other athletes who do activities that require a lot of knee bending.

Preventing Children's Sports Injuries

Participation in sports can teach kids sportsmanship and discipline. But sports also carry the potential for injury. Here's how to protect your kids.

Repetitive Stress Injuries in Sports

Repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) happen when movements are repeated over and over, damaging a bone, tendon, or joint.

Rotator Cuff Tendonitis

Rotator cuff tendonitis is inflammation of the tendons of the rotator cuff, a group of muscles and tendons in the shoulder bones.

Safety Tips: Baseball

Baseball is by no means a dangerous sport. But it can present a very real risk of injuries from things like wild pitches, batted balls, and collisions in the field. These safety tips can help keep your kids safe on the diamond.

Safety Tips: Basketball

Basketball is fun - but it's also a contact sport, and injuries happen. To help your kids stay safe on the basketball court, take a look at these safety tips.

Safety Tips: Hockey

As fun as it is, ice hockey carries a very real risk of injury. To keep your kids as safe as possible, follow these tips.

Safety Tips: Skateboarding

Skateboarding is undeniably cool, but it's also easy for riders to get hurt. Help your kids keep it safe with these safety tips.

Safety Tips: Sledding

Sledding is a lot of fun, but can also cause injuries, some of them pretty serious. To keep your kids safe while sledding, make sure they follow these safety tips.

Safety Tips: Snowboarding

Snowboarding is a great way to have fun and get exercise, but it has some very real dangers. These safety tips can help keep your family safe on the slopes.