additional resources

mental health emergencies

If your child is experiencing a mental health crisis and they are at immediate risk for hurting him/herself or others, please call 911 or one of the following agencies.

crisis contact numbers by county

national crisis resources

concerns regarding your child’s development?

If you have concerns about your child’s growth and development, please contact your child’s doctor. If you do not have a physician, please call the Board of Developmental Disabilities in your county.

mental health resource connection 

The Mental Health Resource Connection program is a service that connects patients and families to available mental health services in the community. The service is administered by social workers experienced in evaluating pediatric mental health needs and the services required to meet those needs. The Mental Health Resource Connection strives to improve the mental health status of children in Dayton Children's service area.

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mental health resource directory

The Mental Health Resource Directory was created by Dayton Children’s to provide families in the Dayton region with access to mental health resources within their own community. If you are looking for additional care providers for your child we encourage you to search the directory.

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find a psychologist online referral directory

Check out Ohio Psychological Association’s Find A Psychologist online referral search engine. Refine your search by geographic area, treatment area, population served, language, availability, practice orientation, ethnicity and/or gender.

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family support resource directory

The Family Support Resource Directory provides an easy to use and comprehensive online directory to search for support groups, camps and support organizations for a variety of conditions.

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outside organizations

Other organizations provide extensive educational materials for patients and families dealing with mental health issues. Our specialists encourage families to find support through the following websites and organizations.

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

American Psychological Association

online directory request an appointment

Are you looking for a mental health resource in your community? Please use our online directory to search for providers near you.

search now

A physician referral is necessary prior to the child’s first outpatient visit. All follow up appointments will be made during your clinic visit.

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