speech/language pathology disorders

A speech disorder refers to a problem with the actual production of sounds, whereas a language disorder refers to a difficulty understanding or putting words together to communicate ideas. Speech/language pathologists also treat other disorders such as voice, fluency and feeding/swallowing.

speech disorders

The following is a description of disorders treated related to speech:

language disorders

Language disorders can be either receptive or expressive:

causes of speech and language disorders

Sometimes speech and language disorders are a result of:

Our speech and language pathologists will evaluate your child to determine if they have a speech or language disorder and will recommend treatment options if necessary. Learn more about our evaluation and treatment techniques.

contact us request an appointment

The speech therapy department welcomes phone calls to 937- 641-3070 during our normal business hours of 7:00 am to 5:00 pm.

A physician referral is necessary prior to the child’s first outpatient visit. All follow up appointments will be made during your clinic visit or by calling central scheduling at 937-641-4000.

Source URL: https://www.childrensdayton.org/patients-visitors/services/rehabilitation/speech-language-pathology/about-us