after surgery care

Our team provides education to help you prepare for your child’s post-surgery needs, and in many cases will schedule your child’s follow-up clinic appointment before you leave the hospital.

After patients return home, our team continues to provide support and care. Talk to your doctor about any care you will need to provide when you take your child home. This may include changes in medicines, treatment, the need for special home care equipment or follow-up appointments. Your care providers will give you special instructions to follow once you and your child arrive home. Discharge planners are available to help coordinate your home-care needs.

If you have questions or need assistance, please call 937-641-3000 and ask for the surgery department, or refer to the number on your after visit instructions (either in MyKidsChart or printed). Please let your doctor know about any changes in child’s health after your child’s stay.

call us with any questions or concerns, particularly if your child...

activity when your child gets home

Your child will need plenty of rest after their procedure. Do your best to keep things simple. Create a quiet and restful environment by:

preventing falls after surgery

Anesthesia and pain medications can make your child feel off balance and wobbly on their feet. For the first 24 hours after surgery and while your child is on prescribed pain medications, be extra careful to make sure your child doesn’t fall by:

eating and drinking at home

Some kids may feel sick to their stomach after surgery. Start with ice chips, apple juice or Gatorade®. Then, if your child feels okay, they can eat plain foods like crackers and soup. When they are comfortable with those, they can go back to eating their regular diet.

caring for pain and discomfort

Every child feels pain and shows that they’re feeling pain differently. Your child will point to a pain scale so we know how much pain she or he feels. We may not be able to completely get rid of pain, but we can help make your child as comfortable as possible. You can track your child's pain using this tracking sheet. At home, you can help with their pain by:

If your doctor prescribes medicine, you can give that medicine as it’s ordered. You can pick up medicine at our pharmacy or your own pharmacy.

easing behavior changes and anxiety

Your child may not be quite themselves after surgery. They may not sleep well, may be more moody or may have new fears. These feelings usually pass in a couple weeks. Be patient and give them some time. Try to keep a normal routine to help them start to feel like themselves again!

use medicine safely

All necessary prescriptions will be provided before you leave the hospital. Please ask about Dayton Children’s outpatient pharmacy options. You can track the medicines your child is taking by using this tracking sheet. Note the following suggestions for safe medication use:

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