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1/27/15 blog post

an easy way to cook butternut squash

Have you noticed the butternut squash sitting in the grocery store? When a butternut squash arrives in our Happy Box, I know it will not only look cool on our counter, but be tasty and is a super source of Vitamin and fiber. Confession: I didn’t cook the butternut squash in our Happy Box until 2014, after several years of wondering what to do with it! I anticipated prepping to be a pain and didn’t quite know how to cook it. Well, I “googled” and asked my friends. What I learned: Simplicity! - Just peel it, scoop out the seeds, and roast!

Don’t be discouraged – join in the fun and benefits of eating butternut squash!

Here are the five steps I take at home:

Wash the butternut squash. Take a potato peeler and peel off the outside of the squash. The peel is not too thick so this is actually simple.

Using a sharp knife, slice the butternut squash down the middle. Using a spoon, scoop out the seeds and discard.

Using a knife, slice and dice your squash into the edible pieces you wish to cook.

To roast: Place the butternut squash on a cookie sheet and cover in olive oil. Add salt, pepper or garlic salt. Roast at 400 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Enjoy the roasted butternut squash as a side, add to other roasted vegetables, or add to cooked quinoa and dried, slightly sweetened cranberries.

How do you enjoy your butternut squash? Share with us your recipe. Read on about other orange foods!