about pediatric sleep medicine

Sleep — or lack of it — is probably the most-discussed aspect of caring for a child. As any parent quickly discovers, the quality and quantity of their child’s sleep affects the well-being of everyone in the household. Twenty percent of all children suffer from some type of sleeping problem, and the causes range from poor sleep habits and behavioral problems to underlying medical conditions. Whatever the cause, we are here to help.

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contact us request an appointment

The sleep center welcomes phone calls to 937- 641-5004 during our normal business hours of 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday-Friday.

A physician referral is necessary prior to the child’s first outpatient visit. All follow up appointments will be made during your clinic visit or by calling 937-641-5004.

Source URL: https://www.childrensdayton.org/patients-visitors/services/sleep-center/about-pediatric-sleep